GC Youth

GC Youth
(6 th grade-12 th grade students)
Sunday Afternoons 3:30-5:00
GC Youth is a Christ filled, active group with a strong objective in making a difference in the world. Our
goal is to train disciples of Jesus Christ! We do this by teaching our youth to apply Christian principles to
their lives and to teach them that ONE person, standing with JESUS, can make a difference in this world and in the lives of others. We have discussions on how to conduct ourselves as Christians, in a secular world full of peer pressure, making difficult decisions that affect today’s youth on daily basis. We empower our youth to make decisions on group activities as well as outside missions.
Our missions include but are not limited to serving those in our church family and community by doing
yard work and helping build handicap ramps, Blessing Bag assembly and distribution, stocking blessing boxes in our community, annual Carolina Cross Connection Mission Projects and participation in all church sponsored events. We believe that our youth are not just the church of tomorrow, but they are the church of today. God has blessed each one with gifts and talents that they use for God’s glory.
We meet each Sunday 3:30pm – 5:00pm in the youth building to study God’s Word together, play games,
enjoy snacks, and fellowship time.
Each year we host one main fundraiser to fund all our yearly activities. We call it “Souper Bowl Sunday!”
This is where our youth invite our church family and community to eat lunch with us in the Family Life
Center after worship on Super Bowl Sunday, which usually falls on the first or second Sunday of February. There is no charge, but donations are appreciated. We serve a variety of soups along with grilled cheese. In the past, many in the church have supported the Youth by providing either a pot of yummy soup or one of their delicious cakes or desserts.
Have questions or want to get involved in GC Youth, please contact Gabe Mitchell.

GC Youth Summer – Surge 2024
August 9-11, 2024
Our GC Youth are so excited to be attending Surge 2024. This retreat is held in beautiful Oak Island, NC. For more information, please contact Gabe Mitchell at gabrielmitchell1@gmail.com. Feel free to check out their website at https://clubministries.com/surge/.